Eidgenössisches Schwing- und Älplerfest (ESAF 2019)

Company profile

Die Vision des ESAF 2019 Zug zielt nicht nur darauf ab, ein stimmungsvolles und sportlich einmaliges Eidgenössisches Schwing- und Älplerfest zu organisieren, sondern der grösste Sportanlass der Schweiz soll auch aus ökologischer und sozialer Sicht erfolgreich sein. Das OK ESAF 2019 Zug hat sich deshalb zum Ziel gesetzt, das bisher nachhaltigste Eidgenössische Schwingfest durchzuführen, welches explizit ein umfassendes Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement beinhaltet. Es soll das erste klimaneutrale ESAF werden. Damit dies gelingt, müssen alle, d.h. OK ESAF, Partner und Besucher ihren Beitrag leisten. Unterstützt wird das ESAF 2019 bei diesem Vorhaben von der Stiftung myclimate.

«Cause We Care» Measures

Moor regeneration on the Zugerberg

About 40 cubic metres of the golden-yellow sawdust will be brought to the Zugerberg on the Monday after the festival and will wait there until winter for its final use. In Eigenried on the Zugerberg, the sawdust will be used to fill in ditches and thus create new habitats in the protected moorland in the long term.

This is how it works:

Visitors to the Swiss Federal Wrestling and Alpine Festival 2019 (ESAF) were given the opportunity to invest the CO2 emissions generated at the ESAF in climate protection projects with myclimate and to make a contribution to local sustainability with a voluntary contribution of CHF 1 in the online shop, the purchase of a festival badge and the enjoyment of a wrestling menu, as well as with a donation of CHF 1 per bottle/cup and CHF 5 on top of the parking ticket. The helpers were also able to get involved and donate CHF 1 per hour of work. At the same time, the ESAF doubled all donated contributions and invested in its own sustainability. The sponsors also made their contribution to local sustainability and committed themselves to environmentally friendly sampling. In this way, the visitors achieved a double effect with their commitment.


How does «Cause We Care» work?

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